1920s Kids

1920s Kids

The 1920s was the decade that started on January 1, 1920 and ended on December 31, 1929. This decade was known as the Roaring Twenties or the Jazz Age.


  • The most important events
  • Important people
    • World leaders
  • Images for kids

The most important events

  • Golden Twenty
  • 1920 – Prohibition began in the United States.
  • 1922 – March on Rome
  • 1922 – Howard Carter discovered the tomb of the Egyptian King Tutankhamun.
  • 1922 – Southern Ireland gained independence from the United Kingdom.
  • 1929 – The Black Tuesday, which leads to Great Depression

Important people

World leaders

  • Prime Minister Stanley Bruce (Australia)
  • Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King (Canada)
  • President Sun Yat-sen (Republic of China)
  • President Chiang Kai-shek (Republic of China)
  • President Friedrich Ebert (Germany)
  • President Paul von Hindenburg (Germany)
  • Ahmad Shah Qajar of Qajar dynasty (Persia/Iran)
  • Reza Shah Pahlavi of Pahlavi Dynasty (Iran)
  • King Victor Emmanuel III (Italy)
  • Prime Minister Benito Mussolini (Italy)
  • President W.T. Cosgrave (Irish Free State)
  • President Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk) (Turkey)
  • Emperor Hirohito (Japan)
  • Pope Pius XI
  • Józef Piłsudski (Poland)
  • Vladimir Lenin (Soviet Union)
  • Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union)
  • King Alfonso XIII (Spain)
  • King George V (United Kingdom)
  • Prime Minister David Lloyd George (United Kingdom)
  • Prime Minister Andrew Bonar Law (United Kingdom)
  • Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin (United Kingdom)
  • Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald (United Kingdom)
  • President Woodrow Wilson (United States)
  • President Warren G. Harding (United States)
  • President Calvin Coolidge (United States)
  • President Herbert Hoover (United States)
  • Charlie Chaplin (entertainer)
  • Albert Einstein (German physicist)
  • Paul von Hindenburg (president of Germany)
  • King George V (King of the United Kingdom)
  • Vladimir Lenin (leader of the USSR)
  • Pope Pius XI (Pope in the 1920s)
  • Joseph Stalin (leader of the USSR)
  • King Victor Emmanuel III (king of Italy)

Images for kids

  • Tropas participantes en la guerra de África por la calle Hernani (1 de 1) - Fondo Marín-Kutxa Fototeka

    Spanish troops in San Sebastián, prior to their departure to the Rif War.

  • 5 Prohibition Disposal(9) (cropped)

    Prohibition agents emptying barrels of alcohol.

  • Steamboat Willie1928

    The first short film by Walt Disney, Steamboat Willie, 1928

  • Louise Brooks ggbain 32453u crop

    The most memorable fashion trend of the Roaring Twenties was undoubtedly "the flapper" look.

  • Jazzing orchestra 1921

    The period from the end of the First World War until the start of the Depression in 1929 is known as the "Jazz Age"

  • Einstein1921 by F Schmutzer 4

  • Berlin-Jolson27

  • Frank Lloyd Wright LC-USZ62-36384

  • Telefon, Nordisk familjebok

    1920s phone

  • Campbell Thompson

    M1 Thompson rifle (1921 model)

  • Synthetic Production of Penicillin TR1468

    In 1928, Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin

  • Tuts Tomb Opened

    Howard Carter opens the innermost shrine of King Tutankhamun's tomb near Luxor, Egypt, 1922

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1920s Facts for Kids. Kiddle Encyclopedia.

1920s Kids

Source: https://kids.kiddle.co/1920s
